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ClosePastor Brenda Salter McNeil - April 23, 2023
Waiting to Exhale
This Sunday, Pastor Brenda will preach a sermon entitled, “Waiting to Exhale,” because as humans, living in a fast-paced society with demanding schedules, we are building up pressure and stress that must be released. For some people it may seem like a waste of time, but in truth, we experience the healing power of God by interacting with nature, which gives us space to breathe and time to renew our souls.
Scripture References: Psalms 19:1-4
Related Theme: Co-Create | More Messages from Pastor Brenda Salter McNeil
From Series: "Nothing Wasted"
More Messages from Pastor Brenda Salter McNeil...

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Acts 11:19-26

January 31, 2021
The Heart of Hannah
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1 Samuel 1:9-20, 1 Samuel 1:24-28

December 6, 2020
Proclaiming Peace
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Isaiah 40:1-11

September 27, 2020
"Why would people gain the whole world but lose their lives?
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Mark 8:34-36