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Quest Youth (middle school and high school) Ministry’s mission is for every student, no matter their background or experience, to find a place to belong, to be empowered, and be invited into deeper relationship with God and others in order to become all that God created them to be.

Amplify Student Voices

Amplify God’s Love

Amplify Justice Outward

People stand in a dark room facing a screen where blurry worship lyrics appear.

Youth Group

Sundays 6pm-7:30pm // Doors open at 5:30pm

Amplify Youth Group is the weekly gathering opportunity at Quest Church for middle schoolers and high schoolers to engage in a time of worship, reflection, and fun together with their peers! We have snacks, fun games & activities, and spend time deepening our relationship with God and each other. Students are encouraged to bring their friends!

Other Opportunities for Youth at Quest 

  • Monthly special events and popup events! // Details will be sent out via all communication platforms. Access our current Quest Youth Calendar here: 2024-2025 Quest Youth Calendar
  • Discipleship Class
    1st or 2nd Sundays of every month // Details will be sent out each month!
  • Student Volunteering
    Leadership is an important value for Quest. Students are invited to volunteer in kids ministry, worship, A/V, hosting, and the creative arts. Talk to Director Grace to find ways to serve that fit your interests and gifts. Interested in working with kids? Complete the Quest Kids Student Leader Application!

Disability Support

We long to be a place of belonging for all students, all abilities. Some of our students may need more assistance and support. When possible, we pair these students with 1-1 Mentors to help these students with engagement with friends, involvement in activities, and transformation through experiences in youth ministry. Contact Director Grace for more information.

Volunteer with Quest Youth Ministries!

Ways to Get Involved:

Amplify Youth is acknowledged as a Beloved Arise Youth Group and are committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment for all LGBTQIA+ youth.

Quest Youth Family Enews

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