Reconciliation Covenant Co-creation
Reconciliation has been an essential value of Quest Church since we started. We have had years of learning from the pulpit, gaining awareness from each other’s lived experiences, and numerous engagements through our annual Faith and Race series. This was good, but it was not the fullness of the work. Reconciliation is not just what we do but who we are. The Reconciliation Ministry, under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil and Roxy Hornbeck, has compiled a four-phase audit embedding reconciliation into all systems and practices here at Quest. This audit will take place throughout 2023. As part of the audit, ALL QUESTERS are invited to participate in the co-creation of a covenant that will serve as a grounding document for the value of reconciliation at Quest. Pastor Brenda, Brandi Miller, and Roxy Hornbeck will lead us in a church-wide engagement of this process during our Sunday services on March 19 and March 26. We ask you to put these dates on your calendar and plan to attend both services, either in person or online, to participate.